海外の美術館へ訪れると、大人から子供まで多くの人々が来場し、楽しく鑑賞している姿をよく見かけます。国によって異なりますが、イギリスでは美術 館の入場料は基本的に無料で、金曜日は夜遅くまでオープンしているため、会社帰りにも十分に立ち寄ることができます。また、週末には、Family Art Daysと銘打ったワークショップやギャラリーツアーなど親子で楽しめる豊富なプログラムが企画されています。幅広い人たちに向けて文化に触れる機会が与 えられ、開かれた施設として認識されています。床にぺったりと座って、作品に見入っている子どもたちの愛らしい姿は、日本に持ち帰りたいと思う景色の一つです。
When you go to a museum abroad, you see many people from adults to children enjoying looking at art works in museums. In the UK, most museums are admission free and they are open until late on Fridays, so that people can visit after work. On weekends, many museums have various outreach programmes such as workshops and gallery tours for family visitors. It is our desire to bring the sight of more children enjoying art in museums in Japan.
With such aspiration, we initiate workshops as opportunities for children and families to engage in artistic activities other than exhibitions.
Exhibitions stimulate all five senses of the viewers. By gazing at them, listen to them, feeling the atmosphere, exhibitions are the opportunities to perceive artworks with all senses.
Whereas workshops encourage you to imagine, focus on memories, speak and use your hands. By working not individually but in groups, workshops would inspire your senses and give you chance to reflect upon yourself.
We organise workshops as opportunities to nurture your senses by using your hands in everyday life. Contact us if you are interested in workshops, we are always happy to customise workshops to meet your needs and we can also deliver our workshops to your desired location.