
about ”withart”




好きな作品に出合い、日々の暮らしのなかで一緒に過ごすことは、何よりも贅沢な作品との過ごし方かもしれません。人の手を感じられる作品で彩られる日々は、より心地よい空気感が生まれます。 もっと普通に、アートに触れられる機会を作り、作品と一緒に過ごす楽しさ、豊かさを提案していきます。

withart 本間 真理

Based in Sapporo, Japan, ‘withart’ organises exhibitions and workshops for children and families.
We offer different opportunities to engage with art more readily by mainly initiating exhibitions as well as workshops by artists with an aim to make the world of art, design and craft more accessible and familiar.

Art is not only something we see (is featured/covered) in magazines and media, but there is, in fact, a lot more art and art activities available around us. We hope to help people become aware of them as wide as possible by organising exhibitions as a platform of communication through art.

It may take some courage to actually visit an exhibition for anyone who is not familiar with art. Our exhibitions are much more accessible and offer joyful experiences of seeing and experiencing art to a wide variety of people, just like going to the cinema or shopping, where they would find something that they like or find interesting.

“Living with art”
There is nothing more precious than to encounter art works that you like and be able to appreciate them in everyday life. Being surrounded by such carefully crafted art works gives you pleasure. We offer opportunities to engage with art in everyday setting and present the joy and richness of being surrounded by art.

withart Mari Homma