

Past exhibition

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  • Through the eyes of Hokkaido Artists
  • 2022.11.19 Sat - 12.25 Sun
  • Wed. - Fri. 12:00 - 20:00 / Sat. - Sun. 14:00 - 8:00
  • Absolute Space for the Arts
  • No.11, Lane 205, Sec. 1 Minsheng Road, Tainan City, Taiwan
    2013年に台湾の台南市でスタートしたアートスペース “Absolute Space for the Artsで、北海道の4人のアーティストの展覧会を開催いたします。






作家紹介 artist introduction

  • 彫刻家
  • 川上 りえ Rie Kawakami

    川上は、長年にわたり鉄という素材と向き合い、その多様性や由来に触発されてきた。作品の物理的・視覚的な存在感にとどまらず、展示空間や鑑賞者に与える影響や局所性を意識した表現を模索し続けてる。 川上は、長年にわたり鉄という素材と向き合い、その多様性や由来に触発されてきた。作品の物理的・視覚的な存在感にとどまらず、展示空間や鑑賞者に与える影響や局所性を意識した表現を模索し続けてる。 近年は、物質と非物質の関係、ミクロとマクロの類似性、広大な空間と時間の中で個人と全体の間に生じる価値の歪みなどを手がかりに、生命への問いかけを視覚化する活動を行っている。これらは、彫刻、インスタレーション、インタラクティブ・ワーク、サイトスペシフィック・ワークなどで表現されている。 札幌を拠点に活動するアーティスト。フランス、ポーランド、ルーマニア、韓国、台湾、アメリカなどでアーティスト・イン・レジデンスや展覧会を多数経験。

    東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科修士課程修了。 1961年千葉県生まれ。北海道石狩市在住。

  • https://erikartgallery.wixsite.com/
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  • 彫刻家・金属工芸家
  • 藤沢 レオ Leo Fujisawa

    鉄や木、繊維などを素材に、彫刻、インスタレーション、工芸、舞台美術等ジャンルを横断しつつ、自身の死生観を基に制作しています。種子をモティーフにした鉄彫刻作品「パサージュ」、 日常に隠れた重要な要素を可視化する糸の集合による彫刻「不在の存在」、身近な幸福を見つめ直す鉄線による彫刻「静かな日」、そして近年は人類の足跡を辿る生存の起源や場の発生について思索する「場の彫刻」に取り組む。さらには「柱の研究」、「模刻のモニュメント」においては人の営み、創造性についての考察を続ける。

    道都大学美術学部デザイン学科卒業。1974年 北海道生まれ。北海道苫小牧市在住。

  • http://leofujisawa.com/
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  • 美術作家、フォトグラファー、ウェブデザイナー
  • クスミ エリカ Erika Kususmi

    自身が体験した “現実” を記録し、時間も空間も異なる写真を幾層にも重ね合わせ、デジタル処理を施した「デジタルコラージュ」作品を制作。写真以外の素材は一切使用せず、全て自身で撮影した写真のみを用いている。誰もが目にすることが可能な現実の風景を再構成することで、非現実な世界でありながらも、現実・日常の延長線上、あるいは平行線上に存在する世界であることを表現する。


  • https://kusumierika.com/
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  • 日本画家
  • 葛西 由香 Yuka Kasai

    特別ではない日常風景の中に、「もののあはれ」や「侘び寂び」のような日本古来の美意識を見いだし、日本画として描いている。 また、この世のあらゆるものには等しく魂が宿ると考えており、身の回りの物や日常風景にその気配を感じた瞬間も描く。見過ごしてしまいそうなささいな出来事にも目を向けることが、毎日を大切に過ごすことに繋がると考え、その結果を記録する手段として作品制作を続ける。作品は、線と面で描く日本画の手法をふまえつつも、枠にとらわれないモチーフを選びとることにより、日本画の表現の拡張を試みている。


  • https://kasai-yuka.info/
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  • Through the eyes of Hokkaido Artists
  • 2022.11.19 Sat - 12.25 Sun
  • Wed. - Fri. 12:00 - 20:00 / Sat. - Sun. 14:00 - 8:00
  • Absolute Space for the Arts
  • No.11, Lane 205, Sec. 1 Minsheng Road, Tainan City, Taiwan
    This exhibition is based on the theme of "perspectives" of four artists who live and work in Hokkaido, and consists of works in various fields such as Japanese-style painting, digital collage, and sculpture.

    In Tainan, where contemporary art is flourishing alongside the historical cityscape, four viewpoints of artists from Hokkaido are braided to create an exhibition. In the midst of the Corona disaster, the exhibition will be conducted through "Online Residencies" that have created new possibilities through technological innovations in communication. On viewing the works created through the "Eyes" of the artists that have gazed upon the land of Hokkaido, the viewers are invited to trace its landscape, and would surely relate themselves to the artworks.

    We do hope that this exhibition, which was constructed through exchanges with people living in present day Taiwan, the land which once was one single nation, will serve as a venue for future cultural relationships between Hokkaido, Japan and Tainan, Taiwan.


作家紹介 artist introduction

  • Sculptor
  • Rie Kawakami

    For many years, Rie Kawakami has faced the material of iron, and has been inspired by the variability and origin of the material. She continues to explore expressions that are not limited to physical and visual presence of works, but are conscious of the effects and locality of the exhibition on the space and the viewers. Her recent practice is to visualize the query for life based on the clue of the relationship between the material and immaterial, similarities between micro to macro, the distortions of values that occur between individuals and the total over the vastness of space and time. These have been expressed in sculptures, installations, interactive works, and site-specific works.

    Sapporo based artist. Experienced many artist in residence programs and attending exhibitions in France, Poland, Romania, South Korea, Taiwan, U.S.A. Completed master’s degree from Tokyo University of Arts. Born in 1961 in Chiba, Japan. Lives and works in Ishikari, Hokkaido.

  • https://erikartgallery.wixsite.com/

  • Sculptor, blacksmith
  • Leo Fujisawa

    Born in 1974 in Hokkaido, Japan. Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Design, Dohto University. Lives and works in Tomakomai, Hokkaido.

    Using iron, wood, and fiber as materials, I work across genres such as sculpture, installation, crafts, and stage design, based on my own view of life and death.

    My work includes “Passage” a steel sculpture with a seed motif. “Absence of Presence” a sculpture made of a collection of threads that visualize important elements hidden in everyday life. “A calm day” a sculpture made of iron wire that reexamines the happiness around us. In recent years, I have been working on “Sculpture of Place” a sculpture that
    contemplates the origins of survival and the emergence of place in the footsteps of humankind.

    In addition, I continue my consideration of human activity and creativity in “Study of Pillars” and “Monuments of Reproductions”

  • http://leofujisawa.com/

  • Freelance photographer, web designer, Artist
  • Erika Kususmi

    Born in 1982, Hokkaido, Japan. Freelance photographer and web designer, also artist. Lives and works in Sapporo, Hokkaido.

    My works function as memory of the “reality” experienced.Overlaying pictures with different times and spaces, my works have been processed digitally. The artist qualify my works as digital collages, made out only of the photographs I have taken. By reconstructing real landscapes that everyone can see, I express a world that is unreal, yet exists as an extension or parallel to reality and everyday life.

  • https://kusumierika.com/

  • Japanese Style Painter
  • Yuka Kasai

    Born in 1993 in Abashiri, Hokkaido. Graduated from Faculty of Arts, Sapporo Otani University. Lives and works in Sapporo.

    She finds ancient Japanese aesthetic senses such as “mono no aware” and “wabi sabi” in ordinary scenes, and paints them as Japanese-style paintings. She also believes that all things in this world have a spirit equally, and she paints
    the moment when she feels the presence of such spirits in the objects around in her daily life.

    To seize all those inconsequential moments that take place every day, as much as possible, without letting them get away, is her own way of living sincerely. Her method of capturing the results of that is, to paint pictures.

    Her works are based on the Japanese painting technique of line and surface, but she selects out-of-the-box motifs in an attempt to expand the expression of Japanese painting.

  • https://kasai-yuka.info/